Season: 5th
Departure: Late May
Potential Cast members or alternates: (No one is 100% confirmed until they are infront of TJ they can get drop or can be alternates)
- Corey Lay (12 dates of Christmas)
- Faysal "Fessy" Shafaat (Big Brother)
- Jay Gotti (The Real World: Explosion)
- Jay Starrett (Survivor)
- Leroy Garret (The Real World: Las Vegas)
- Amber Borzotra (Big Brother)
- Aneesa Ferreira (The Real World: Chicago)
- Jonna Mannion (The Real World: Cancun)
- Melissa Reeves (Ex on the beach uk)
- Moriah Jadea (The Challenge: Ride or Dies)
- Nany Gonzalez (The real world: Las Vegas)
- Tula "Big T" Fazakerley (Shipwrecked)
Up in the Air (Need more info to put in either category)
- Amanda Garcia (Are You The One?)
- Amo Elizabeth (The Real World: Go Big or Go home)
- Ashley Kelsey (The Real World: San Diego)
- Beth Stolarczyk (The Real World: Los Angeles)
- Brianna Lacuesta (Are You the one)
- Cara Maria Sorbello (The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2)
- Colleen Schneider (The Mole/Bachelor in paradise)
- Davonne Rogers (Big Brother)
- Devyn Simone (The Real World: Brooklyn)
- Jasmine Reynaud (The Real World: Cancun)
- Jenn Grijalva (The Real World: Denver)
- Jennifer Lee (Amazing Race)
- Jenna Compano (The Real World: Explosion)
- Jodi Weatherton (Road Rules: X-treme)
- Katie Cooley (Road Rules: The Quest)
- Kayleigh Morris (Ex on The Beach UK)
- Kellyanne Judd (The Real World: Sydney)
- Kendall Darnell (Road Rules: Campus Crawl)
- Melinda Collins (The Real World: Austin)
- Michelle Fitzgerald (Survivor)
- Nicole Zanatta (The Real World: Skeletons)
- Nurys Mateo (Are you the one?)
- Olivia Kaiser (Love Island)
- Ravyn Collier (The Challenge: Ride or Dies)
- Roni Martin (Road Rules: Northern Trail)
- Sarah Rice (The Real world: Brooklyn)
- Susie Meister (Road Rules)
- Svetlana Shusterman (The Real World: Key West)
- Veronica Portillo (Road Rules: Semester at Sea)
- Zahida Allan (Ex in the beach Uk)
- Zara Zoffany (The Royal World/The Challenge UK)
- Tori Deal (Are You The One?)
- Ace Amerson (The Real World: Paris)
- Adam Larson (Rod Rules: The Quest)
- Alton Williams (The Real World: Las Vegas)
- Asaf Goren (A bunch of reality shows)
- Ashley Cain (Ex on the beach UK)
- Brad Fiorenza (The Real World: San Diego)
- Cohutta Grindstaff (The Real World: Sydney)
- Cory Wharton (The Real World:Explosion)
- Danny Jamieson (The Real World: Austin)
- Devin Walker (Are You The One?)
- Dustin Zito (The Real World: Las Vegas)
- Emanuel Neagu (Survivor Romania)
- Eric Nies (The Real World: New York)
- Eric "Big Easy" Banks (The Challenge: Freshmeat)
- Frank Sweeney (The Real World: San Diego)
- Horacio Gutierrez (Exatlon USA)
- Hughie Maughan (Big Brother UK)
- Hunter Barfield (Are you the one?3 )
- Jay Starret (Survivor)
- Johnny Bananas (Real World: Key West)
- Johnny Middlebrooks (Love Island USA)
- Josh Martínez (Big Brother)
- Kyland Young (Big Brother)
- Laterrian Wallace (Road Rules)
- Marlon Williams (The Real World: Portland)
- Mark Long (Road Rules)
- Maxie "MJ" Garret (The Real World: Philadelphia)
- Nam Vo (Ultimate Beast Master)
- Paul Calafiore (Big Brother)
- Pete Connolly (The Challenge: Fresh Meat)
- Robb Schreibber (The Real World: St. Thomas)
- Rogan Ocononnor (Ex on the beach UK)
- Steve Meinke (Road Rules: The Quest)
- Theo Campbell (Love island UK)
- Thomas Buell (The Real World:Explosion)
- Tommy Braco (Big Brother)
- Trey Weatherholtz ( The Real World: St. Thomas)
-Tyrie Ballard (Real World: Denver)
-Ty Ruff (The Real World: DC)
- Vince Gliatta (The Challenge: Bloodlines)
- Yes Duffy (Rod Rules)
- Zach Nichols (The Real World: San Diego)
Don’t Expect
- Bayleigh Dayton (Big Brother)
- Britni Thornton (Are You the one?)
- Camila Nakawaga (Spring Break Challenge)
- Cassidy Clarke (Survivor)
- Coral Smith (The Real World: New York)
- Evelyn Smith (The Challenge: Fresh Meat)
- Jemmye Carroll (The Real World: New Orleans)
- Jillian Zoboroski (Road Rules)- Declined
- Latoya Jackson (The Real World: St. Thomas) - Declined
- Kailah Casillas (The Real World: Go Big or Go Home) - Declined
- Kam Williams(Are you the one)- Declined
- Kina Dean (Road Rules)- Declined
- Nicole Ramos (The Challenge: Bloodlines) - Declined
- Paula Meronek (The Real World: Key West)- Declined
- Rianna Polin (The Challenge: Bloodlines )
- Robin Hibbard (The Real World: San Diego)
- Simone Kelly (Are you the one?)
- Sylvia Elsrode (The Real World Skeletons)
- Theresa Gonzalez (The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2) - Declined
- Abram Boise (Road Rules)
- Chase Mcnary (The Bachelorette)
- Chris Underwood (Survivor)
- Eddie Williams (Are You The One?)
- Evan Starkman (The Challenge: Fresh Meat)
- Frank Roesler (The Rel World: las Vegas)
- Gus Smyrnios (Floribama Shore)
- Landon Lueck (The Real World: Philadelphia)
- Jakk Maddox (Ex on the beach)
- Joss Mooney (Ex on the beach UK)
- Kenny Santucci (The Challenge: Fresh Meat)
- Nate Siebenmark (Are you the one)
-Nelson Thomas (Are You The One?)
-Sam Bird (Love Island UK)
- Shane Raines (The Challenge: Bloodlknes)
- Stephen Bear (Shipwrecked)
- Tommy Sheehan (Survivor)
- Victor Arroyo (Big Brother)
just close and lock this thread for good. disgusting.
Child. Corey Lay? The rest of the names I just read? Yup All Stars 4 is the end of the road for me. It's been a real 26 years but it's time to move on. I hate Devin, Fessy, Melissa and Tori. They're not only trying to kill All Stars they're running over it with a semi and reversing repeatedly.
This will not bring the amount of hype and engagement as AS4 cast is bringing
The Challenge All Trash 5
Something I just thought about, I will come full circle with Floragoddess. She was the reason I started watching The Real World, it was the first reality show I ever watched and she's a part of the final Challenge season I will ever watch. Weird how that worked.
The way none of those names in potential should be on
And y'all said I was crazy when I blamed Kam for this shit. Let the floodgates open. It's not her fault but having her on AS4 was a sign. I took notice.
Kam does not correlate with Moriah at all.
LOL This is AWFUL.
i think deciding that Jasmine, Ryan and Derek C were "All Stars" in Season 2 was the first sign this was going to shit but yes Kam
My girl Tressler needs to at least be on the UITA list, come on Pink. We need her and Adam to be the next power couple!
I'm not even mad. I'm just laughing. This is too comical. I knew they were misogynistic racist morons in productions who don't care about the fairness and safety of their competition and have zero professionalism. But this level of stupidity just shows there is some cognitive issues going on. They aren't all there.
King WesTracked with FACTS.
As usual, if I don't see some of my must haves, then this won't be watched.
If Vicki ends up making it deep on season 40 and does this back-to-back at least she'll probably have a mental breakdown like the others who didn't take a break and production will just cut ties with her completely.
Moriah Melissa and Big T I won! I just cant believe they're casting the vacation alliance all together on this one too, it's ridiculous
Add ageist to the list. It seems production cannot stand the older cast members who aren't named Johnny Bananas. Thus the addition of the internationals to season 5.
If this is rivals they're definitely doing Corey Lay and Big T pairs
I wish it was same sex pairs
They are going to try and throw like an Elka in there or a couple random OGs to appeal to the old school fans but I'm not falling for it. I'll find the clips of the two episodes they are on before they get picked up off by the people no one asked for. But Skkkye will not be getting a penny from me.
What a joke
tory i hope you break your ankle
It's not Jasmine's fault that Ryan and Derek are total flops on everything. Jasmine is absolutely carrying.
Ppl act like production wouldn't still cast who they wanted whether they gave Kam a call or not. Just using her as a scapegoat atp lmao
Oh Fessy is WINNING
Well lets not wish injury on anyone. Maybe like wish she loses her passport or realizes WE and she needs a break from her.
You supporting this is sick.
Hmmmm same boring casting. This is not why we wanted Allstars. This is pretty much Challenge 41. Challenge 40 seems more like Allstars than this. Not tuning in unless a real big surprise comes out of nowhere.